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  • Controlled Chaos

3 Things I do every morning.

Lately, I've been trying to get into the habit of creating a morning routine for myself. Something that will allow me to set the tone for my morning so I feel more productive and accomplished at the end of each day. We all know that waking up in the morning can sometimes be hard and when you have kids waking up just a few minutes before them can be even harder when you just want a few extra minutes of sleep. But I have noticed a difference in my mood and physical activity when I do these 3 simple things before my little one gets up.

1. Affirmations

For some, this may be writing them down in a journal (I use to do this and loved it) for me lately it's laying in bed almost giving myself a motivational speech. I tell myself today is going to be productive I am strong and can accomplish whatever I set my mind to. Now, of course, each day you may have a curveball thrown in what you have planned but telling myself this first thing allows me to keep myself accountable and honestly just makes me feel like I can run the world. I also tell myself that I will not allow my emotions to control me because I am in full control. To some, that may sound silly but we all know we can think one thing about ourselves or think about the one thing that we don't want to do that day and now your whole day is ruined because you allowed your emotions and mind to take over.

2. Digging in the word

I have always read little motivation quotes but let me tell you waking up and reading Gods word first thing has given me so much more than any quote. Believe it or not, the bible is filled with motivational quotes and stories to get you fired up in the morning. There have been days I was reading or listening to a sermon on the couch and screamed or jumped up so happy because it was as if he was speaking directly to me and I was instantly filled with joy. After I read I always write a prayer to God or just write what I learned in the scripture I was reading. Some days I write a couple of sentences short and sweet some days I've filled 2 pages. Just allow whatever is on your heart to flow because that's all he wants is for you to be intimate with him and to know he's there with you every step of the way. So let the emotions ROLL.

3. Mediate (Time for me)

Now, most people instantly read meditate and imagined sitting criss-cross on the floor. No that's not what I mean here unless that's what you prefer. When I say meditate I mean giving myself 10 minutes to sit in silence to just breath and think or to do nothing. I normally make my coffee/juice (depending on what I'm craving) and sit no tv no phone nothing just relaxing my mind. This helps so much to feel like I just have a few moments to myself and this has honestly changed how much patients have during the day. I'm not sure why but it has. So give yourself time in the morning before you take on the day. The dishes and the clothes can wait, I promise they will still be there later.

Now maybe this isn't for everyone but it has helped me tremendously with my mood. Being a tired pregnant woman is not always easy so it is nice to give myself a little break first thing to not worry about anything but me. To some, that may sound selfish but it's really not we all deserve to relax and enjoy who we are. Sometimes this will allow you to reveal things about yourself you didn't even know.

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